Thursday, March 27, 2025
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Livingston Academy Enters Contract To Play At Tucker Stadium

Preparations are complete for the Livingston Academy Football team to play its five home games at Tennessee Tech’s Tucker Stadium this season.

Head Coach Dale Flatt said Tech and LA have entered into a contract for two Friday night games and three Thursday night games.

“It’s a certain amount per each game,” Flatt said. “Of course, they gave us the total amount. It’s not very much. It’s things for clean up and to have someone to over see everything.”

The move was made due to the high school’s field going under construction for improvements this school year.

Flatt said the Thursday games were scheduled to avoid conflicts with Tech’s football team playing on Saturdays. Those games will be played on September 9th, September 30th and October 21st.

“It’s an asset to us, and besides that, Coach Alexander, me and him played ball together at Tech,” Flatt said. “So, I know him well. I know Coach Bruce Hatfield there too. I played with him at Tech. So, it is really good to have them there, and I am glad to have those guys coaching over there. It is a familiar face if I need anything or if they need anything from me.”

The Wildcats will kick off at Tucker Stadium on August 20th against White County. Flatt said the high school team is excited to play on a collegiate field.

“We have a young team,” Flatt said. “We have just three seniors and nine juniors. The rest are freshmen and sophomores, and I think these kids are just wanting to play. They don’t care where it is at. They don’t care if it is Tucker Stadium or if it is Tom Davis Memorial Stadium. They just want to play ball. I think it is exciting for them to play on a college field. I can remember back when I was in 7th grade, and we played Avery trace on that field, and I thought it was the greatest thing ever. I think these kids feel that way too.”

Flatt said the deal would not have been possible without the work from previous Head Coach Bruce Lamb who did the leg work. Flatt said the school has already paid Tech the dues and gate admissions will go to Livingston Academy.
