Saturday, September 7, 2024
Happening Now

Lisa Fowler Sworn in as Algood Mayor

Algood’s newest mayor was sworn in Tuesday evening as Lisa Fowler took the oath of office during the city’s council meeting.

Fowler said she looks forward to what the future holds for herself and the city moving forward.

“This is a great place, it always has been,” Fowler said. “We just want to keep it on the right track, prioritize what we need to be doing here, and make sure that everyone’s ideas are respected.”

Fowler said returning to the city’s mayoral seat was a familiar sight 16 years after her previous term as Algood mayor.

“It felt natural, it felt like home,” Fowler said. “I’m used to being in the public and dealing with the public. I have a learning curve to catch up a little bit on current projects, but it felt really good. It felt like home.”

Fowler thanked the people of Algood during the council meeting for electing her as the new mayor.

“One of my priorities is to make this city hall as welcoming as it can be,” Fowler said. “I want you to know that you will be treated with courtesy and with respect, and my door is always open to any citizen… We couldn’t do this job without your input.”

Fowler defeated Kirk Dyer in his campaign for reelection, earning nearly two-thirds of the votes during the August election.
