Friday, March 7, 2025
Happening Now

Legion Speech Competition Deadline Approaches

The American Legion Post 46 has opened signups for its annual constitutional speech competition.

Post 46 Chairman Richard Buford said the competition is where students from 9th to 12th grade from across the Upper Cumberland can give an eight to ten-minute speech on some phase of the constitution. Buford said the competition is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the constitution and develop skills to be better citizens in our country.

“We are the longest government in the history of the world,” Buford said. “And this document dictates everything that the United States stands for and we want our students to understand the constitution and how it applies to their daily life.”

Buford said the competition is a great way for students to earn scholarship money. Buford said students will only earn scholarship money from the American Legion by placing in the top three at the state level however, many universities offer scholarships to those who participate.

“We’ve had several students that have participated that got full scholarships to college based on their performance in the American Legion Constitutional Speech Contest,” Buford said. “I know many of the students who have had many doors of opportunity open to them because of their participation in this program.”

Buford said the competition is a great addition to a job resume.

“Especially if you go into education or business, or even serve in our local government and the community,” Buford said. “If you’ll still be able to stand in front of other people and clearly speak your ideas.”

Buford said students can sign up for the competition at AmericanLegionConstitutialSpeech.Org. The deadline for signups is Tuesday The competition will take place on March 1st at 9am at the Putnam County Courthouse.
