Friday, January 17, 2025
Happening Now

Lee To Continue As Senior Center Director

After an unsuccessful search for a replacement, Brent Lee will continue to serve as the director of the Baxter Senior Center.

Lee said several people were interviewed for the position but none of them fit what the senior center’s board wanted. Lee said the decision is better for both him and the center as he can do more good staying there than leaving.

“I’d like to get it to the community that we are here, that we do offer fresh, hot meals every day at 12:00pm,” Lee said. “And so we can get more of the seniors to come in here and get some of the stigma of what a senior center is out of the way.”

Lee said the center is nearly at capacity but he hopes to continue growing. Lee said the center’s members have shared a lot of excitement and appreciation for Lee’s decision.

“A lot of it had to do with the people we deal with every day,” Lee said. “I have some great seniors here. They’re great people and I just couldn’t see myself leaving and leaving them in somebody else’s hands.”

Lee said the senior population is an important part of the Baxter community. Lee said those citizens have worked through their lives and now they should get to enjoy the time that they still have.

“They come in, they do exercise, they do brain teasers, they play pool, card games,” Lee said. “They just come in and enjoy themselves and that’s what I think the center should be.”
