Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Land Acquisition Possible For Crossville Park Project

The city of Crossville took a small step forward in preparing for a future land acquisition project.

City Council voted Tuesday to submit a letter of intent to apply for next year’s Local Parks and Recreation Fund Grant. City Manager Greg Wood said the city is exploring three potential projects including a new recreational facility, new baseball fields at Centennial Park or a bike trail at Meadow Park Lake.

“The acquisition is the easiest to do,” Wood said. “The acquisition, it is basically acquisition done. That is all that is required for the grant to be successful. Then, you have to have something on that property within three years.”

Wood said the grant requires an updated parks and recreation master plan in order to apply. The city has until next year to make preparations and decide on a project.

“They are actually saying you need a master recreation plan, and it has to be up-to-date,” Wood said. “Ours was in 2014, so technically, it is not up-to-date, which is actually a saving grace. They are allowing you to submit a letter of intent to apply with the contingency the master plan will be updated. Ours does not really need a lot.”

Woods said the city would have to wait until 2022 if the letter is not submitted. Leisure Services Director Ethan Medley said the new recreational center is the top priority of the three.

The Local Parks and Recreation Fund provides funds up to $500,000 for the purchase of land for parks, natural areas, green ways and recreation facilities. The funds may also be used for trail development and capital projects in park areas. At least 60 percent of the funds allocated will go to municipal governments.

