Sunday, January 26, 2025
Happening Now

Jackson, Van Buren Among State’s Best Districts

The Jackson County and Van Buren County Schools named Exemplary Districts by the State Department of Education, the state’s best possible grade.

The two Upper Cumberland districts among ten systems statewide recognized by the state with the exemplary status. The designation ranks overall performance on multiple factors including student achievement, growth, attendance, graduation rates and Ready Graduate status. Both school systems scored 3.1 or higher on a 4.0 scale on all the factors graded.

School systems considered “Advancing” by the state include Clay, Cumberland, Dekalb, Fentress, Pickett, Putnam, Warren, White and York Institute. These systems scored between 3.1 and 2.1 in the state assessment.

Overton County Schools ranked satisfactory, the third of five classifications.
