Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

Jackson Commissioners Approve Flood Update

Jackson County Commissioners updated the County’s Flood Damage Prevention Resolution Monday night.

County Mayor Randy Heady said FEMA and the Army Corp of Engineers updated Jackson County’s flood plain maps. Those maps show the areas of highest concern for flooding.

“We have to pass this or we’re not eligible for floodplain insurance,” Heady said. “I’ll just be honest with you, with all the homes that we have near a floodplain, this is pretty important that we get this passed.”

Heady said he has been working with the state to get this documentation complete, with several changes.

In other business, Jackson County approved its 10-year Solid Waste Plan, a state requirement. Heady said the diversion of recyclables continues to progress well in the county.

Commissioners also approved the appointment of Chamber Director Hope Vargas to the Industrial Development Board.
