Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Jackson Co. Flood Hazard Maps See New Major Changes From FEMA

Jackson County’s flood hazard maps saw no major changes after receiving the latest updates from FEMA.

EMA Spokesperson Derek Woolbright said the last time the county received new maps was around 2010. He said the map points out areas in the county most likely to have flood hazards.

“Those kinds of maps allow us to figure out areas that we can focus on in coalitions like that with Tennessee Tech,” Woolbright said. “But for the most part, it’s mostly just awareness for where we need to keep our eye on when we receive flood conditions.”

Woolbright said over the past few years, Tennessee Tech has been using gauges that help them to determine how much rainfall impacts flooding in different areas. Woolbright said the maps are also used frequently by insurance companies. He said the companies would determine insurance rates and whether or not they’re even willing to ensure certain properties.

Woolbright said the most hazard-prone area in the county is within the city of Gainesboro.
