Friday, September 13, 2024
Happening Now

HS Football Continues To Speak To Students

Week one of the high school football season has arrived and students across the Upper Cumberland are showing school spirit more than ever.

Monterey High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director Benjamin Novak said the excitement for the start of the season is contagious amongst students. Novak said students will remember the experiences they have from being apart of the atmosphere, cheering on the sidelines, and supporting their classmates from the student section.

“It’s those things that carry with us forever,” Novak said. “So I think that high school football along with all of our athletics is super important in creating those lifelong memories for our students.”

Novak said the senior class has already planned the dress-up themes for each home game this year. Jackson County High School Principal Dr. Max Petett said high school football is a staple in our area and the students are fired up.

“Here in Jackson County even this morning we have kids walking around with their jerseys on,” Petett said. “We are preparing for a pep rally here in just a few minutes and you can just feel the excitement in the hallways with the students and with the teachers. You know, looking forward to getting our Friday nights back.”

Novak said the students in the band and the stands are the ones who make the football season special. Petett said being the principal of a school that shows a lot of school spirit for football season is an awesome feeling.

“It’s an awesome feeling to you know, as a principal to sit back and observe your students being excited about an event that you have coming up and getting our season started,” Petett said. “I’m also impressed with our teachers as they are dressed up in their Jackson County swag and you know, they are excited and they are talking to the kids about it and getting them pumped up for the pep rally coming up. It’s a good positive thing to see. It sets a tone and it helps establish a culture of excitement and tradition here in our school.”

Novak said the school has targeted a college-like experience for students as they have opened a 24/7 merchandise and apparel store. Novak said school spirit has a lasting feeling amongst the entire Monterey community.

“Monterey is still very much one of those small-town feels,” Novak said. “Where on a Friday night the town is shut down and you’re going to find everybody at the stadium.”
