Sunday, March 9, 2025
Happening Now

Gainesboro PD To Purchase New Patrol Vehicle

Gainesboro set to purchase a new patrol vehicle for its police department.

The funding for the vehicle is set to come from leftover grant funding that was originally designated for either the police department and street departments. Police Chief Michael Head said he has purchased a used vehicle locally.

“We got them from homeland security and they’re already equipped,” Head said. “So it’s about $5,000 cheaper than what you’d have put on the new one.”

Head the vehicle will be a 2017 model with an average of about 70,000 miles. He said once it is fully ready, it will be added to the fleet and replace a vehicle they plan to retire. The vehicle replaced is several years old and has been having issues with breakdowns.

Mayor Lloyd Williams said the first portion of grant funding was spent on equipment for the departments like rain and safety gear.
