Thursday, March 6, 2025
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FUMC Providing Five Weeks Of Classes For Lifelong Learners

First United Methodist Church in Cookeville offering five weeks of classes geared for those that never stop learning.

Adventures in Lifelong Learning begins classes August 31st until September 30th. Servant Ministries Assistant Kathy Conrad said instruction targets people 55 and older that want to expand their knowledge.

“It’s a great way for us to extend our community, and sometimes we focus on just doing things for ourselves, but we want to serve our community,” Conrad said. “And learning is a great way to connect with each that have similar interest.”

Conrad said every Tuesday and Thursday somebody can learn something new. Conrad said a mixture of congregation and community members will be instructing.

“Fall semester, we have a fly fishing 101 class,” Conrad said. “We have grilling class with a master. One of my favorites is writing your own obituary and more. We’re doing pickle ball. This is a new upcoming sport.”

Conrad said the classes have ran since 2019 and participation helps keep the learning continue. Conrad said Dr. Pat Jordan, a past Tennessee Tech Professor, came up with the idea after attending a similar opportunity in Nashville.

“She believes in education,” Conrad said. “She was in the education department, so her experience of taking a class at Vanderbilt and she was driving an hour to get up there. So she just thought why can’t we do that here.”

Conrad said classes are scheduled in a way that a person can participate in each one. Conrad said one can register online by visiting the church’s website. Each course is $25 for a five-week, one hour per week class. Some have an additional fee for supplies or books. The church will host at 165 E. Broad St in Cookeville.
