Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Fentress To Celebrate Its Growing Garlic Growth With Festival Stop

The growth of garlic has become so popular in Fentress County, the county will be part of the 2024 Garlic Festival.

Fentress County UT Agriculture Extension Agent John Gunter said there are several growers in the county. He said the rise of popularity in garlic over the last four years even surprised him.

“I don’t mean this in bad terms, its almost like a cult, a cult following, because they really follow around and share growing techniques,” Gunter said. “A big part of their diet hinges around being able to add garlic as a spice.”

Gunter said garlic became a favorite crop started four years ago when Laszlo Marton moved to the county. Gunter said Marton’s love of garlic was infectious, and it spread through the community.

“He’s really animated, he likes to share the story of garlic,” Gunter said. “With UT extension, we worked with him on varying different aspects from growing to promotion and different things like that. That’s when it came about.”

Gunter said garlic is not particularly hard to grow.

“Here in Tennessee we’re kind of a transitional climate,’ Gunter said. “You can grow it in the fall, you can grow it in the spring. A lot of times we’re planting that now and then harvesting when the scapes come May, Juneish. It just depends what kind of spring we have.”

Gunter said many people also grow garlic because of its supposed health benefits. Its said that garlic can boost your immune system, lower your blood pressure, and has antibiotic properties.

Details of the October, 2024 festival, which will feature multiple stops, still to be determined, Gunter said.
