Monday, May 6, 2024
Happening Now

Fentress County Children’s Center Hosting Fishing Tournament Benefit

The Fentress County Children’s Center will host a fishing tournament this Saturday fundraising for its services.

The inaugural Casting for Kids will take place this Saturday at the Sunset Marina in Monroe. Executive Director Kellie Walker said the bass fishing tournament kicks off at 7:00 a.m. at Dale Hollow Lake.

“With COVID the past couple of years, we’ve just really been struggling with fundraisers in the traditional sense of getting people to come out to participate in walks and dinners and things like that,” Walker said. “So we were just brain storming one day with some local fishermen, and they actually brought up the idea to me and said why don’t we do a fishing tournament.”

Walker said registered fishermen will meet at the boat dock or you can also register at the event. Walker said boats will be out until 3:00 p.m. where crews will come back for a weigh-in. Each team costs $100 to enter.

“We currently get no state or federal funding to provide services to children,” Walker said. “So any money raised will go to help the services that we provide to kids in Fentress and throughout surrounding areas.”

Walker said the center mainly attends to abused children. Walker said they provide a variety of services from counseling to assisting grandparents who take custody of a grandchild. Walker said last year, the center served about 150 children.

“We can help with a variety of things such as school supplies and clothes,” Walker said. “So these funds will also help us in those efforts to provide supplies for those families.”

While you help a good cause, you also have a chance to win your money back. There is a $500 big fish payout and a $5,000 1st place prize. You can register online by visiting the Fentress County Children’s Center Facebook page or register in-person that day.
