Friday, March 21, 2025
Happening Now

Fentress County Approves Land Purchase for Ag Pavilion

Fentress County Commissioners voted Monday night to purchase 15 acres of land along South York Highway for a future Fentress County Agriculture Pavilion.

The 8-1 vote allows the county to go forward with the $15,000 per acre purchase. Commissioners turned down this same land at its October meeting, fearing the price was too high. But Fentress County Mayor Jimmy Johnson said the county got prices for other land in the area and this was the best deal.

“We had checked with some more land out in that area and it is from different people and it was between $18,000 and $20,000 an acre,” Johnson said. “It wasn’t a half a mile from this.”

The sell remains contingent on soil tests and sewer capabilities. Johnson said soil testing will take place next week. The county will start trying to get plans together to send for bids, in an attempt to figure construction costs. The current engineer estimate is $350,000 plus utilities and site preparation.

In other business from Monday’s meeting, the county voted to approve a grant from the Upper Cumberland Workforce to help dislocated workers affected by the pandemic. For just over $21,000 the county will hire someone to help sanitizing locations around the county until December 2021.

Johnson said there will be an additional check to the county for $55,000. Johnson said the plan is to try and have four part-time employees helping clean county buildings.

A $10,000 connectivity grant was approved as budget amendment for the Fentress County Board of Education. This grant will help students with no internet access, who need to be able to participate in remote learning.

The money will be paid to Twin Lakes to set up the internet service.
