Friday, March 21, 2025
Happening Now

Developer Planning 17 Lot Subdivision in Baxter

A preliminary drawing for a 17 lot subdivision is moving forward in Baxter

The builder got his Main Street plot rezoned for high density residential on about 1/3 of an acre lots. Baxter Building Inspector Bob Lane said these smaller lot subdivisions are becoming a trend.

“It seems the trend is that high density residential seems to be where people want to be and of course less land, less money,” Lane said. “Lands gotten expensive and if you can put more structures on the same piece of land you certainly can reduce costs. Which the contractor can do, he can build it for less and the homeowner can buy it for less.”

Lane said the proposed subdivision is water and sewer ready, and the city hookups are right in front of the property. Lane said if approved at the second reading the developer can start putting in interstructure and paving.

“Which lets him go ahead and start the process of actually going in and cutting his roads and start to put the interstructure in,” Lane said. “This is just a preliminary, we will have to come back and sign off on the final plat and at that time all of the interstructure has to be in and completed.”

Lane said the paving needs to be finished or have a letter of credit to submitted by the developer saying it will be completed. Lane said the next step after this would be the final map plan, or plat being approved, officially making the area a subdivision.

This subdivision plan will come up for its second reading at the next Baxter City Council meeting.
