Monday, January 6, 2025
Happening Now

Date Still Undetermined For 911 Public Hearing

A date has not yet been set for a public hearing to help the state decide if Pickett County can form its own E-911 district.

Overton-Pickett E-911 District Director Chris Masiongale said he’s got a pretty good idea of how Pickett County residents feel about the plan to split away from the district.

“I have had a lot of people sending texts and emails in support of this board,” Masiongale said. “These were Pickett Countians saying that they would be in attendance to express their concerns on the creation of a new district.”

The state emergency communications board will be announcing a date for that public hearing in the near future. It’s likely to occur sometime in July, according to Masiongale.

The state board met a week ago and voted for a public hearing to be held in Pickett County before they vote to place the matter of creating a new district on a public referendum.

The vote came after some board members motioned to proceed with Pickett County’s application. The decision was ultimately struck down 6-2, as Board Member Phillip Noel voted to amend the original motion and chose to proceed with a public hearing.

