Sunday, March 16, 2025
Happening Now

DA Dunaway Announces Re-election Campaign For 2022

District Attorney General Bryant Dunaway will seek re-election in 2022.

Dunaway announced Monday that he will be on the republican ballot come May 2022. Dunaway shared the following the statement.

“Seven years ago, YOU, the people of Clay, Cumberland, DeKalb, Overton, Pickett, Putnam and White Counties elected me to serve as your District Attorney General. I am as humbled today as I was then.

Holding this office is both a professional and personal privilege. Every day I have taken the awesome responsibility that you have entrusted me with very seriously; I have never taken for granted the trust you have placed in me.

Today, with the blessing and support of my wife, LeeAnn, I announce that I will be seeking re-election in 2022 and I am once again asking for your vote, support, trust and prayers. I will be on the ballot in the May 2022 Republican Primary.

I believe that among of the most important functions of the District Attorney is work to ensure public safety and to stand up for victims of crime. Over 200 years ago the Tennessee Supreme Court described the role of the District Attorney as having the responsibility to pursue the guilty and at the same time protect the innocent. Since assuming this office in 2014, I have taken that mission to heart. I work every day to accomplish that mandate.

I believe that our communities’ most vulnerable citizens deserve protection and that those who abuse them should be held especially accountable. Since 2014, I have created a specialized child abuse prosecution team in the DA’s office. I have maintained specialized Domestic Violence and impaired driving prosecution units. I have created, implemented and personally lead the Vulnerable Adult Protective Investigation Team (VAPIT) that reviews every allegation of abuse of the elderly and vulnerable adults. This team has been extremely successful. It’s work has resulted in the protection of abused and neglected persons and the prosecution of their abusers.
It has also been said that the citizen’s safety lies in the prosecutor who tempers zeal with human kindness, who seeks the truth and serves the law and who approaches his task with humility. I am committed to continuing to serve you with those ideals at heart. I get up every day committed to keeping people from hurting each other and to punish those who do.

Please know that I consider it a privilege to serve you in this role. I ask for your vote and would be honored and humbled to have your support.
Bryant C. Dunaway has been practicing law for over 20 years. He was elected District Attorney General for the 13th Judicial District in August 2014. He has been married 25 years to his wife LeeAnn McCarter Dunaway; he is father to twin daughters, Katie and Julianne (19) and son Jennings Grant (15). General Dunaway and his family are members of the Church at Collegeside Church of Christ where he serves as a Deacon.”
