Sunday, March 23, 2025
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Cumberland County Hiking Marathon Registration Begins Aug. 15th

Registration for this year’s Cumberland County Hiking Marathon begins Aug. 15th.

Participants hike 26.2 miles on designated Cumberland trails and record their own mileage. Cumberland County Hiking Marathon Chairman John Conrad said the idea first came about to get more hikers on the trails.

“It is an event that started five years ago,” Conrad said. “Friends of the trail builds hiking trails throughout the area and Cumberland County. We wanted to promote the use of those trials and get people out hiking.”

Conrad said everybody that registers receives a free T-shirt. Hikers that complete the marathon will receive a commemorative patch presented at the Hit the Trails Festival. The marathon lasts for the entirety of September.

“In 2015, we had about 300 people register, and we were thrilled to have so many people on the trails,” Conrad said. “The following year was 600 people registered, then 900, 1,500 and last year was 1,800. We do very little publicity, but word of mouth is proving to be very effective.”

This year, a 10 k paved trail challenge was added for people, who can not hike dirt trials. Conrad said the marathon is more appropriate than ever by providing outdoor exercising during the pandemic.

“Now, with the virus, it is one of the few activities that can be done safely since you go with family groups and hike on your own time,” Conrad said. “It is a safe activity. Some people do it for the health benefits and some do it for the free T-shirt. We do not care. We just want more people hiking.”

This year’s marathon will include Soldier’s Beach Trail at Meadow Park, the Overlook Trail in Fairfield Glade, the Green Hike in Fairfield Glade, the Maryetta Trail, Upland Village and Woodlawn Loop.
