Thursday, September 12, 2024
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Crossville Teen Performs Juggling And Magic

A Crossville 14-year-old gaining notoriety for his juggling and magic tricks.

Atticus Abraham also known as “The Amazing Atticus” said he picked up juggling and magic during the pandemic to help himself cope with the loss of his grandfather Frank Carter. Carter passed away due to COVID. Abraham said he learned juggling and magic from books and kits but he did not expand his bag of tricks until he visited his Uncle Barry Abraham.

“When I started three balls it was actually really hard,” Abraham said. “I couldn’t run it long and I didn’t do anything but three balls for a whole year. That summer of 2021 I went down to Florida and my uncle who was also one of my mentors taught me how to juggle clubs.”

Abraham said he got a big break after he did a show at a stampede auction for his church back in 2021. Abraham said his surge in popularity was unexpected.

“I actually didn’t think I would do a show for a long time,” Abraham said. “All I could do at the time was four rings which is a cool trick but it’s not that big of a finale.”

Abraham won the “Gone Show” juggling competition in March of 2022 at the Palace Theatre in Crossville. Abraham said that was the first competition he ever competed in as a juggler.

“I was very inexperienced,” Abraham said. “I had only done the stampede show and so my finale was five rings this time. It was my first competition and I did not expect to win, so when I did it was one the best feelings I’ve ever had. I also was just shocked because I didn’t think it actually worked out. What it did it inspired me to keep doing it. It was kind of clear to me that this is something I want to do.”

Abraham also has won many awards for his skills as he won the 2023 Most Sensational Award at the Atlanta Jugglers Festival. He also took honors at the 2023 Crossville’s Got Talent show. “Atticus The Great” will be performing at the Cumberland County Fair with a unique twist.

“I’m going to be walking around juggling fire, maybe clubs, and balls,” Abraham said. “I’ve been working on my finale which is seven balls.”

Abraham said he gets a lot of positive comments about him being a young talent and that keeps him going. Abraham said he is chasing his dream of moving to Pigeon Forge and being a full-time performer.
