Saturday, December 28, 2024
Happening Now

Crossville Council Amends Budget For Wage Plan

Crossville City Council has approved second reading of a budget amendment for bringing employee wages up to a more competitve market.

Mayor James Mayberry said the vote implements the plan in steps rather than all at once.

“The company had offered staggered implementation,” Mayberry said. “Personally, I’ve got a problem with a $919,000 budget amendment right off the bat. I would like to amend that to go with the three step process that the consultant recommended, which would only be a $663,814 budget amendment this January.”

City council hired McGrath Human Resources Group to conduct a compensation and wage study for the city. The group found 61-percent of employees earning below market rate for comparable positions in surrounding cities.

“I want the city of Crossville to be the employer of choice rather than employer of last resort,” Councilman J.H. Graham said.

The first step of the pay raise will begin Janaury 19.
