Thursday, March 6, 2025
Happening Now

CRMC Honors Outgoing Board Member Kevin Carter

Kevin Carter leaves the Cookeville Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees after seven years.

The board passed a resolution honoring Carter at what was his final board meeting, thanking him for his service to the organization. Carter said he is proud of the work he’s been a part of during his tenure, and that it has been like nothing he’s done before.

“I have never had anything in my life that’s been more of a pleasure or an honor than serving on this board, and I will admit it, and I hope the press picks it up because I fought it tooth and nail for three years: this is a complicated, complex industry,” Carter said. “Although the beer industry had its own trials and tribulations, this one far exceeds anything I ever saw.”

Carter said being a board member is challenging for a number of reasons, though the most difficult part is the time requirement. He said once you sign up for the position you cannot pick and choose when and where you want to serve, you just have to do your best to keep up.

Carter said the future of the board should not be taken lightly if the organization is to find ways to improve its service. He said each member should make finding their eventual replacements a priority, and to keep community partnerships at the forefront of their concerns.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, as times change situations dictate that it will be extremely important we pick and choose the right partnerships with the right people,” Carter said. “Or else we’re not going to be able to provide the things that need to be provided to the people right now and in the future.”

Carter said above all else, though, the board must remember that the hospital belongs to the community. The city may own the title, he said, but the purpose behind and reason for the hospital is the community, and that should never be forgotten.

In his final remarks, Carter said his term ending would not be the end of his connection to the board.

“I’m 100 percent behind you, and I don’t care where I’m at or what I’m doing, if there’s ever anything I can help you do in the future you have my confidence, and I’m there,” Carter said.

