Sunday, March 16, 2025
Happening Now

CPD Investigating Bill Smith Road Shooting

Cookeville Police are investigating a shooting that occurred early Friday morning on Bill Smith Road.

According to the Cookeville Police Department, at approximately 1:00 a.m. officers responded to a complaint of gunshots being fired. Detectives learned that three unknown suspects entered the residence at 905 Bill Smith Road. After a struggle, 22-year-old resident Jonathan Ownby of Cookeville suffered one gunshot wound in the abdomen.

The three suspects fled the scene prior to police arrival. Ownby was transported to Cookeville Regional Medical Center by private vehicle and was later released. The home was occupied by two other people when the shooting occurred.

This incident is an active investigation, and the Cookeville Police Department asks anyone who may have information to contact the Criminal Investigation Division at (931)-520-5372 or Dispatch at (931)-526-2125.
