Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Happening Now

Courts Still Catching Up On Cases Delayed By COVID-19

Supply chain delays are not the only COVID problems that continue, the judicial system continues its catch-up process on court cases that were delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

15th District Attorney General Jason Lawson said it has been a continuing struggle, but the courts will not sacrifice justice for the delay. Lawson said he is currently in the middle of a trial for a murder that took place back in 2018.

“Our job is to do the right thing for the right case on every single case,” Lawson said. “So we try to get to the end of it, but some of them have taken longer than others and it hurts for me to see victims waiting for justice and justice delayed to that degree, but we’re going to get through them and we’re going to get everything caught up.”

Lawson said his goal is typically to complete cases in 24 months. The pileup from the delay has lengthened that timeline, but Lawson said he expects to be caught up in 12-18 months.

“I know that the judge is going to give the defense an opportunity to prepare and to look under every rock and make sure that their defense is there,” Lawson said. “They’re not going to rush anyone into the penitentiary, and I know that from the law enforcement side, it takes some time for things to be tested at the crime lab and things of that nature.”

Lawson said many of the cases that faced the COVID setback have been resolved through plea agreements or trials that have concluded.

Lawson said he has 16 prosecuting attorneys working with him to resolve the delayed cases. Lawson said they’ve had to take the load of cases from COVID and add them on top of new cases that are occurring, but he is optimistic things will be back on schedule sooner rather than later.
