Sunday, October 13, 2024
Happening Now

Two-Day Fire Training Set For Weekend

Firefighters across the Upper Cumberland will come together for training this weekend during a two-day Fire Expo.

Baxter Fire Chief Matthew White said the event provides training in areas that departments might not have much experience in. White said the expo is a can’t miss opportunity for firefighters.

“We’ll bring in training props from the state fire academy for us to be able to use,” White said. “It’s just really great training. Everybody loves it, we have a good time and they go home with some extra knowledge that they might not have known.”

White said departments will receive various types of training such as automobile extrication and rope rescue. White said training with other local fire departments is crucial in knowing what to expect from other fire departments in an emergency.

“We like to have the ability to have it here locally and our local departments to interact with each other,” White said. “To get to know what each other can do and the ability of your next-door town and next county over what they can and can’t do, what kind of capability you have and to be able to train together it’s invaluable to be able to know exactly what that guy is going to do on an emergency and provide that type of help to you.”

The event is presented by the Upper Cumberland Regional Council of Fire Chiefs. White said the event does have an entry fee but all proceeds will go towards covering the lunch that will be provided for both days. White said he encourages all firefighters in the Upper Cumberland to attend the expo.

“Whether they are volunteer and may have to work during the week and the weekend is the only good time for them to train,” White said. “Or whether it’s a career person that’s working on shifts somewhere and has the ability to have extra training.”

White said they have the expo once a year but wish they could do it multiple times a year.
