A non-budgeted request to help with the Leslie Town Centre’s lighting system will lead to a more comprehensive plan to deal with an aging facility.
Cookeville City Council approved $15,000 to help with replacing the Estes Williams Room lighting, but the council said they want to develop a longer-term plan to address emerging issues. Councilman Eric Walker said he would like to see the city budget for all upcoming projects.
“I’m also inclined to think that when it comes budget time and if we can hold some money aside in the budget to reimburse some of these funds that that’s okay as well,” Walker said. “It’s just important to do that through the budget process and plan these repairs out.”
Leslie Town Centre Director Kathryn Molina said the Public Building Authority has covered the costs of some repair projects for the building. Molina said even though multiple issues keep occurring they don’t even budget for potential building issues that could arise.
“I mean a lot of our repairs obviously are not budgeted for,” Molina said. “You know we have had roof leaks since that damaged things so you know we are obviously doing the best that we can to ask for as little amount as possible.”
Councilman Chad Gilbert said recently it seems that the building has had to have multiple issues repaired.
“I think as recent as what a year or two ago there was a significant roof expense and I think we paid all of that,” Gilbert said. “And so the hits just keep coming.”
Mills said the city has to be mindful as the city has already approved covering $30,000 for improving the parking lot and storm sewer.
“Yall have heard me say this $20,000 here $20,000 there pretty soon it’s real money,” Mills said. “So we need to be careful with these good stewards.”
The city council will review what Leslie Town Centre projects need to be accounted for in the upcoming budget.