Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville Electric Readdressing Areas Damaged

Cookeville Electric began its work readdressing damaged areas in the aftermath of last week’s weather.

Director Carl Haney said limbs and poles leaning into power lines and damaged lighting will be targeted. Haney said that Cookeville Public Works is assisting in the cleanup.

“We just get it out and the Public Works will send their brush trucks by and help us clean up with that,” Haney said. “But the majority of trees where the damage was is in the North part of town, some a little bit to the East, as well.”

Haney said there are some locations that will require electricians before Cookeville Electric can come in.

“Some services to the homes were damaged, those customers need to get an electrician and fix those,” Haney said. “So, we go back and reconnect power and get them up and going as they get them repaired.”

He said there is also clean up that has to be done, even if it is not causing an outage.

“There’s also a lot of cleanup related to leaning poles,” Haney said. “Still got some tree limbs that keep falling or leaning over into lines. We clean those up as we go. They don’t have anybody’s power out but they’re still cleaning up, you will have some feeds, like light feeds and stuff that may have got damaged.”

Haney said some temporary repairs have to be made to cracked poles until they can be changed out. Haney said the department has to balance two needs during this period, cleaning up addresses with damage while also performing normal services.
