Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville Designing Additional Turn Lane For S Willow At W. Jackson

Cookeville is in the process of designing a new turn lane for the intersection of South Willow Avenue and West Jackson Street.

Public Works Director Greg Brown said the addition would lessen traffic by giving motorists two lanes going left onto Jackson.

“That’s funded with some grant money, so there is a process that you need to go through before you can go to the next step,” Brown said. “We are in the environmental review stage right now.”

Brown said the city is waiting for T-DOT approval to move forward and acquire the needed right-of-ways. Brown said while there is no time line for when work will begin, he anticipates the project will not go out for bids for several months.

“It just all depends how long the state takes to review each section, and they got a lot of projects throughout the state,” Brown said. “Sometimes they go quicker than others, but usually it is a several, several month process.”
