Saturday, March 22, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville Considering Engineering Contract For South Creek Subdivision Sewer

Cookeville City Council will consider an engineering contract to design sewer extension to the South Creek Subdivision.

Water Quality Control Director Barry Turner said this will be the first step in providing sewer to the Bunker Hill Road and Lovlelady Road annexation area. He said the annexation agreement promises sewer extension by 2027.

“The South Creek subdivision is one of the oldest areas in there,” Turner said. “The field lines in there are older than the other areas in there so that’s why we chose to go with them first. There are about 90 lots in there so we’ll get a lot of customers and we’ve had several calls from residents in there wanting sewer.”

Turner said the contract for such services will cost some $45,000. It includes low-pressure sanitary sewer plans, sewer details, and erosion control measures and details.

Turner said the sewer will serve approximately 95 parcels off Highway 111. The council will vote on the contract at its meeting Thursday.

“Instead of doing the whole area all at one time we’re trying to do it in phases and this will be the first phase of that,” Turner said. “South Creek Subdivision has about 90 lots and counts some adjacent parcels that sewer line would be adjacent to going into the subdivision.”

In other business, the council will also consider approving the purchase for new equipment for the Electric Department and new dumpsters for the Public Works Department.
