Friday, May 3, 2024
Happening Now

Cookeville Cityscape Kicking Off New Year With Membership Drive

Cityscape Executive Director Lorie Krauss will start a membership drive as her first project to start out the new year.

Krauss said as a 501-c non-profit, the downtown revitalization group solely runs off donations. Krauss said she wants to find new sponsors to increase what the organization can do.

“We’re looking for friends of Cityscape, patrons of Cityscape to really know what Cityscape is in place to do,” Krauss said. “We are here to preserve, revitalize and beautify our downtown areas.”

Krauss said she has been working with Stone Creative to distribute marketing mailers to the community. Krauss said sponsorships are used to fund events such as Wine on the Westside.

Krauss said as a thank you, members get a chance to participate in the Taste of the Town. The event comes in May with more than 30 local restaurants providing a night of fun.

Krauss said you also get several other benefits such as a 60 second video highlighting your business and a booth at Fall FunFest.
