Friday, March 21, 2025
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Cookeville Art Studio And Gallery Celebrates 60 Years

The Cookeville Art Studio and Gallery is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.

The art organization originally known as the Cumberland Arts Society was formed by Reba Bacon in 1961. Board Secretary Terri Ritter said artists from all across the region have been a part of the society’s history.

“The Upper Cumberland is such a wonderful art scene,” Ritter said. “There is so many wonderful studios and artists. Anybody that has been a part of say the Art Prowl knows that there is just an overwhelming number of artist from beginning artists to very advanced, and a lot of them participate here.”

Bacon was an elementary school professor at Tennessee Tech when she held the first meeting for the society at the Jere Whitson Memorial Library. Ritter said members are planning for a fall celebration for the anniversary.

“We are hoping to plan some things for August and September,” Ritter said. “We have a different show in the gallery every month, and we are looking to do maybe a ribbon cutting and maybe a reopening to let people know we are here. We are open now.”

Ritter said about 80 active members make up the art society today. Ritter said these artists make up the monthly galleries displayed to increase exposure to the community.

“It’s a non for profit,” Ritter said. “But, we are also open to the public. Our members have bonuses and perks that they get at the gallery. But for the public to come and take in and take classes they can do that. They can come to the showings for free.”

Ritter said with COVID numbers leveling off, the organization is starting the planning process to celebrate. Until then, galleries are set up until June.
