Putnam County Commissioners will move forward with plans to expand the current jail in the parking lot of the current Justice Center.
When that expansion will happen and which properties the county will purchase for the expansion remain decisions for the future.
The Fiscal Review Committee voted to hold off on any decisions about buying the property until the discussion could be held in-person. The full board of commissioners approved that decision Monday night.
County Mayor Randy Porter sought extensions on six properties the county has identified surrounding the current justice center. The county had secured options to purchase any of the six properties. All six would expire by June, including two April 29. Several of the options to buy date back more than a year and a half, Porter said.
Porter said he got word late Monday from the final property owner.
“All four of the parties have agreed to extend their options for another six months,” Porter said. “The one thing I keep hearing from everybody is the commission has never made a decision as to it going over here. That would help them in their willingness to work.”
Porter said last week he did not expect he would have gotten those extensions.
“They’re tired of waiting,” Porter said. “They understand what’s happened in the last month which is different. I’d be surprised if after this extension of the options that we’d be able to get them extended.”
Sheriff Eddie Farris said he worried that the county could face tougher scrutiny if commissioners did not move the decision forward.
“The State Fire Marshall, among others, have been really kind to us thus far,” Farris said. “Yes, we’ve all have the COVID, but this is just one step in a positive direction. If we don’t, we’re really going to be in trouble when our numbers get back going again.”
Commissioner Jonathan Williams told the Fiscal Review Committee he would have liked the chance to influence the decision away from the current Justice Center site.
“All the wheels have been turning toward expanding in place,” Williams said. “The sheriff has needs that have not been met for sometime. I think as a commission, we need to go ahead and pull the trigger and get this thing going.”
Commissioner Joe Iwanyszyn asked for more conversation about parking and the challenges of asking people to park across Spring Street as has been discussed in one proposal.
Several commissioners said they would need to really understand the county’s financial situation further before moving forward with the purchase during the next six months.