Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Commissioners Admit Animal Shelter Needs Attention

Some White County Commissioners admit the county needs a plan of action to address the White County Animal Shelter.

Commissioner Kyle Goff said the county commission needs to begin steps to address the issues at the animal shelter or move the animal shelter. Goff said part of the negotiations with Waste Management when the county sold the landfill was the county signed a five-year lease to keep the animal shelter on the property. Goff said five years is a long time.

“The animals that are there and the staff that has to work in that environment you know, we got to make sure we are taking care of them for five years,” Goff said. “We can’t say we are going to build a better space for you or a better infrastructure, but for the next five years you are going to be suffering with the space you have.”

Commissioner Dakota White said he believes moving the animal shelter is ultimately what is needed. White said the commission is having active discussions on how they can make moving the animal shelter a top priority.

“You know there are discussions going on but we meet on this coming Monday the 4th at 5pm and I believe that’s going to be the main point of discussion,” White said. “I’m hoping a buildings committee comes out of Monday night’s meeting.”

Goff said the meeting on Monday will cover how the county can provide heat and resources to the animal shelter moving forward. Goff said he encourages advocates and the public to come to the meeting.

“I think we are going to be getting an update from the animal shelter staff and the county executive,” Goff said. “Hopefully that will spiral into a conversation about the next steps among the committee.”

Goff said he would like to see groundwork start to form for moving the animal shelter. Goff said the lease with waste management does give some time to make sure they take the correct steps in the moving process.

“That also gives us a little bit of time to take our time and make sure we are doing it the right way and we can design a space that is retrofitted to be a shelter and done properly from the ground up,” Goff said.

Many advocates for the animal shelter have been expressing concerns about the $70,00 that was donated to the county for the animal shelter. White said the money would be better served going towards a new facility and dedicating the building to the lady who made the donation.

“That way that money is not just going to something that is not going to something that goes away,” White said. “We actually could actually have a long-standing structure that could truly benefit the county, the citizens, and the animals all in one.”

Goff said he believes saving the money for moving the animal shelter is not necessary.

“My first thought there is $70,000 doesn’t go very far when you are erecting a new building,” Goff said. “I don’t know if that money will put a dent in the overall project.”

The county will have a Steering B Committee meeting on Monday, November 4th at 5pm at the White County Courthouse.
