Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Clay To Begin Work On New EMS Contract With Celina

The negotiation process to renew the EMS contract between Clay County and Celina is set to begin in committee later this month.

County Mayor Dale Reagan said employee retention will be an emphasis when the county’s ambulance committee starts budgeting.

“That always come back to your salaries, and so that will be one of the things discussed,” Reagan said. “And they’ll look at the possibility of the line items that have increased and those that have stayed stable.”

Reagan said one of those line items to be considered will be fuel and how rising prices may impact the new contract. Reagan said the current two-year contract expires at the end of this fiscal year.

“The main thing is the staff and keeping them where they need to be and equipment,” Reagan said. “Keeping our equipment up to the best we possibly can to perform services for our citizens.”

Reagan said he understands that the city plans to propose a new five-year contract this time. Reagan said the county has been in contract with Celina for the past 9-10 years through several two-year contracts.

“The county when I came into office they were already into a contract with a private service,” Reagan said. “When that contract ran out, the possibility came up of the city possibly putting in a bid for it, because it was always bid out. They did and it was a good working relationship.”

Reagan said under past contracts, the city provides the service and employees while the county provides the units and building.

“When the commissioners and the city Aldermen sit down at the table as well as myself and Mayor (Luke) Collins, we will take all those things as a factor,” Reagan said. “At the end of the day, we want to make sure we provide the best service for our citizens.”
