Monday, March 17, 2025
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Clay Schools Adopt 2022-2023 Calendar With Minimal Changes

The Clay County School System has adopted its 2022-2023 school calendar.

Supervisor of Instruction Misty Strong said schools will still start the first week of August, ending the school year on May 18. Strong said the only real difference between the calendars is Fall Break being five days next year instead of six.

“We always try to consider what that would be like for the parents and the students,” Strong said. “Giving them the most knowledge beforehand to plan for the upcoming school year. So that’s why we try and get it out in the fall of the prior year.”

Strong said the school system’s calendar committee looks at each month and the time in between school being out, to keep the calendar balanced. Strong said that at this time, this year and next year’s testing periods will be the same.

There are some minor date changes that include:

2021-2022 Election Day is November 2, 2022-2023 Election Day is November 8.

2021-2022 Christmas Break begins December 20, 2022-2023 Christmas Break begins December 16.

2022-2023 Calendar includes an abbreviated school day on April 28.

2021-2022 Clay County Adult High School Graduation is May 17, 2022-2023 Calendar does not include a date for Clay County Adult High School Graduation.

