Sunday, March 16, 2025
Happening Now

Clay Library Christmas Event Raises Funds For Summer Reading Program

Clay County Library will be supporting its summer reading program through a donation based Christmas event Saturday.

Librarian Alecia Burns said children can come take a picture with the Grinch and hear Christmas stories.

“I was trying to figure out ways to grow our children’s summer reading program,” Burns said. “I’m a new librarian, and I figured the best way would be to use the holiday coming up and get more children in.”

Burns said children will be able to make homemade reindeer food with snacks to follow. Burns said everything is free, but with each donation, you provide reading opportunities for local youth.

“We normally have a list for the children that they get at the end of the school year, and it just keeps track of everything they read,” Burns said. “They’ll get a prize at the end of the year for reading so much.”

Burns said the purpose of the event goes further than just fund raising. Burns said she wanted to find a way to introduce more children to what the library has to offer.

“That’s 100 percent where it started,” Burns said. “I have two young children myself, and a lot of people I think in the county don’t know everything the library offers. I just wanted more children to start reading now.”

Burns said the event begins at 11:00 a.m. Saturday. The Clay County Library is located at 116 Guffey Street in Celina.
