Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Clay County Jail Project Documents Heading To State For Approval

Clay County will enter the next phase of its jail project after presenting schematic designs to the county planning commission.

Mayor Dale Reagan said they have entered the design development phase and will get project documents ready to be sent for state approval. Reagan said if the state approves the plan, the county can prepare for construction and get ready for bidding.

“We’re hoping, you know it’s been a long drawn out process here,” Reagan said. “We’re hoping by Fall of this year, 2021 we’re hoping we’ll have things ready for the documents to be ready to start talking about getting this thing ready to go out to bid.”

Reagan said the county is coordinating with Celina to determine when the county could hook onto Celina’s sewer system. He said the hope is to be able to hook onto the sewer system in the next year to year and a half.

“We want to make sure that everything is going to be in place whenever we get to that point,” Reagan said. “We don’t want to get a facility halfway in the process and not really know for sure where we’re gonna hook on at. So, that’s what they’re working on and I know that they’re having good communications. Myself and the city mayor as well, working this thing out to where that we can make it all come together.”

Reagan said that it is a slow process on the jail, but the county is making progress. He said there are multiple state agencies who will need to go over Clay County’s documents.

“The next phase, they call it the design development phase,” Reagan said. “That’s getting them all together and ready to go to the state, so that the state can look at it. State Fire Marshal, TCI, Department of Corrections and all them that’s got to approve all this.”

The Clay County jail project is a $7.5 million project, with a 100-bed capacity.
