Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Clay County 9/11 Remembrance Goes Digital

Clay County has cancelled its 9th annual 9/11 ceremony.

Clay County EMA Director Natalie Boone said it was a difficult decision, but the steady increase of positive COVID-19 cases forced the cancellation. Usually people would gather at the square in Celina. However, Boone said this year she asks the people of Clay County to share their 9/11 and first responder stories on Facebook.

“Share your photos, share your videos of our previous events, in previous years. Your local first responders, if you have a favorite first responder share those with us, please share those on our Clay County Emergency Management Facebook page,” Boone said.

Boone said stories of where people were on 9/11 and their reflections and memories are also encouraged. This year with the pandemic, Boone said outreach is as important as ever.

“Right now, this year personally I feel that this is the year that our first responders need our support more than ever, across the board,” Boone said.

If you are not in Clay County, Boone said to still show support. This can either be on a personal Facebook page or Clay County’s.

“First responders are a family, it doesn’t stop at county lines,” Boone said.

Traditionally, the public and first responders gather at the Celina square. Where school choirs, speakers and the public honor those lost on September 11th, 2001 and local first responders.
