Sunday, May 19, 2024
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CHS To Split AD Position Between Two Internal Candidates

Cookeville High School will fill its vacant athletic director position with two internal moves.

Principal Max Petett said Assistant Principal Adam Kefauver and Girls’ Basketball Coach Jamie Gillies will split the duties.

“I’m looking forward to working with both of those,” Petett said. “They’ll be tremendous assets to our athletic department. Both of them are very knowledgeable and hard workers. I’m sure they’ll take what Mr. Robbins has built and continue to grow with that.”

Steve Robbins accepted a position as Upperman High School Principal, which left the athletic director position empty. Petett said Keauver and Gillies will both keep their previous titles in addition to athletic director.

Another assistant principal position at the high school remains to be filled. Petett said that role has been posted with some applicants already interested.

Kefauver became assistant principal in 2019. Gillies became head coach in 2017.
