Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Celina Looks To Continue Sewer Work With CDBG Application

Celina will look to use the next round of Community Development Block Grants for sewer upgrades.

The Board of Aldermen approved applying for the $638,000 Tuesday. The funding would be used to locate areas in need of repairs and conduct the rehab. A seven percent match is required from the city if awarded.

This could be the third sewer project undertaken by Celina this year. The Industrial Board has applied for an ARC grant to replace the sewer interceptor from the sewer plant to Lake Avenue. The only project at this point that will certainly happen is an overflow project paid by a $500,000 ARC grant that is set to go out to bid this spring.

According to Consulting Engineer Matthew Tucker, this project would bring the entire system close to being fully rehabilitated if the interceptor is also replaced.
