Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Celina Aldermen Push Back Hiring New Code Inspector

The Celina Board of Alderman decided Tuesday to postpone filling the city’s code inspector position until early next year.

Mayor Tonya Spears said a slow building year, and winter approaching makes hiring a candidate not an absolute must at this time.

“There is not a lot going on right now obviously, but in the spring we do need to have somebody in place for that position,” Spears said. “I feel like maybe the need of course will be greater at that time.”

The city has received two applicants thus far. Spears said the position has been empty since June. The former codes inspector worked for both Clay County and the city before transitioning to county work only.

Spears said the job description for the job is based off Overton County’s position. Alderman Bruce Rhoton said he would review the applications before January’s meeting.

“I would to look at those,” Rhoton said. “I can do that this week if that is okay and look at the applicants and see what their experience levels are. A lot of times we don’t know these things and depend on the person being knowledgable on those codes. We need an experience level pretty high for that.”
