Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Cavalier Runners Set Personal Bests At State Meet

Multiple runners posted personal records as the Cookeville Cavaliers wrapped up the cross country season at the State Championships Friday.

Cavs coach Travis Shope said the team went into the state meet with expectations to compete and noted how every runner emptied the tank in the last race. Senior Katie Hetzel spent all four years on the cross country team and shortly after finishing up her Cav XC career reflected on her time in the program.

“Cross country means everything to me,” Hetzel said. “It’s opened my eyes to every life lesson I could possibly be taught. It’s taught me patience, consistency, hard work and determination. And it’s really strengthened my relationship with God too.”

Hetzel said Cookeville has a tight knit team and that she will miss the activities the team did together outside of just running. Senior Abby Simpson said while the season ending is sad, she is overwhelmed with the emotions of looking back at what she has accomplished.

“I think today is a great time of reflection,” Simpson said. “Because for me personally, I may not have PR’d today, but just thinking back to freshman year and not even making it to state. Freshman me would just be appalled at what today looks like.”

Shope said while not everybody broke a record, he was beyond proud of all the Cavaliers. He noted that senior Cassidy Gibson battled through early adversity and extreme nerves to set a new personal record.

Gibson said she has been thinking about her last race as a senor since she was a freshman. She said she is glad it ended the way it did surrounded by her teammates.

“When I first got here I was extremely nervous,” Gibson said. “Because it was my last meet and I had a lot of pressure on myself, because I was like I got to make this good, this is the last one. But overall, I felt really confident in my teams’ ability because they motivate me so well and they were all happy and ready to go.”

All three seniors said they will look back fondly at their time on Cookeville’s cross country team. And all three said they are already looking forward to this Spring and the track and field season.
