Saturday, March 22, 2025
Happening Now

Cane Creek Gymnasium’s Adult Basketball League Open For Registration

The adult open basketball league is making its return to Cane Creek Gymnasium this fall.

Athletic Coordinator Lori Medlin said that it’s the first league back post-pandemic, and that teams are looking forward to their return to the court.

“It’s usually pretty popular,” Medlin said. “We’re accepting up to eight teams. We’ve got two so far, so we’ve got room for plenty more. We’re just really excited to have basketball back as a sport we can play in the gym.”

Medlin said that the league will have a regular tournament with other games throughout the season, which runs from September 14th to November 9th.

“It is a competitive league,” Medlin said. “We’re going to have six weeks of regular season play and a will be a two-week single-elimination tournament. We’re also going to have an all-star game and some skills challenges as kind of a break up between regular season and tournament play.”

Medlin said that the league is open to any adults age 18 and up and of all skill levels. She said the gym is looking forward to bringing the community back together through sports.

“Just to get the community back together,” Medlin said. “We’ve been apart for so long now for almost two years. And just getting the community back together and getting our lives somewhat back to normal and the activities that we enjoyed in previous years.”

Teams can sign up by calling Cane Creek Gymnasium by September 3rd. Registration costs $250 per team.
