Thursday, March 27, 2025
Happening Now

Byrdstown Raises $15,000 Through Biggest 5K To Date

Byrdstown raised over $15,000 to be donated to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital through its 5k event.

Mayor Sam Gibson said the town saw its highest participation since the marathon began over 10 years ago with over 90 runners.

“With everybody, our chamber, our activities group, the town and everybody working together, it seems when people are working together you get more support from your community and we did,” Gibson said.

Gibson said usually only about 30 runners participate each year. Gibson said the time the activities group has put into planning events can be noticed.

“People working together providing activities for young people, and so, our community has just been wonderful,” Gibson said.

Gibson said the town also had a healthy showing of volunteers that worked with the Sheriff’s Department to ensure safe roads for runners. Gibson said a combination of registration fees, donations and sponsorships led to the town meeting its $15,000 goal.
