Monday, September 16, 2024
Happening Now

Breakfast For Overton Veterans Set For Tuesday

Overton County and the East Tennessee County Veterans Services Office are hosting a Veterans Appreciation Breakfast Tuesday.

Veterans Service Officer Roxanne Sidwell said this is the first breakfast of what she hopes will become a new tradition as it helps veterans know she’s available to help.

“It kind of gets the word out there of where I am I feel like, where my office is located,” Sidwell said. “So more veterans know that I’m here in the county to support them, to help them with anything I can. To help them with compensations and pensions and burial benefits and stuff like that. Anything I can do to help the veterans.”

The event takes place from 8am to 11am Tuesday. Sidwell said she hopes to see at least 100 veterans at the breakfast and that all are welcome. In addition to breakfast foods, there will be door prizes.

Sidwell said when considering donating door prizes, citizens should know that many of the veterans in Overton are older. Sidwell said that anyone looking to donate door prizes should give something they think veterans would appreciate like gift cards.

“I want to appreciate our veterans and do something for them,” Sidwell said. “I’m hoping that we have a great turnout and the veterans know that we’re here for them.

Sidwell said she is looking for cash donations and sponsorships, and can be reached at (931) 823-2570.

“We are asking for money from some of the bigger businesses like our banks and stuff like that to help us put the breakfast on itself,” Sidwell said. “To buy the food.”

Sidwell said that she hopes to see a massive turnout of veterans.
