The chairman of the Overton/Pickett County Emergency Communications District said he called Wednesday’s night board meeting Tuesday.
Chairman Stanley Carter Jr. said he does not know whether the meeting will go on because of concerns over open meetings laws.
Carter said he wanted to have the meeting so that the board would have a chance to go over the Comptroller’s report and gather facts. The chairman said he is concerned about a rush to judgement on the report.
“As these facts come in, we will react,” Carter said. “My concern is the money. I do care and want to know each and every penny is taken care of.”
Carter said he’s frustrated because both a CPA and a lawyer, employed by the district, did not call these issues to the board’s attention.
Board members volunteer to serve the district, Carter said, while maintaining other responsibilities.
“It aggravates me when people make these judgements,” Carter said.
Carter said his biggest priority right now remains the continued integrity of the two-county 911 system.