Sunday, March 16, 2025
Happening Now

Baxter’s City Leak Insurance Begins April 1st

Baxter’s optional water leak adjustment insurance is set to take effect April 1st.

Mayor John Martin said the leak adjustments approved by the Board of Aldermen Thursday will be the city’s last.

“You can put on there as far as protection for your sewer line or water lines, inside your home or anything,” Martin said. “There is an option on that page that you can take, but that is up to the individual.”

Martin said residents can add the coverage at any time. Residents that do take advantage will be charged about $30 over a full year of coverage.

“Everyone has got a notice, and it has the 1-800 number on it if you do not want it,” Martin said. “We have a list, and we see who is opted out on it and that is a person’s prerogative.”

The insurance comes from a third-party called Servline. Martin said customers are covered up to $2,500 for a single leak adjustment.

“And we’ve had one guy that had a million and four,” Martin said. “A million and four hundred thousand gallon leak at one time. It would have helped him some, but his was $8,000 in that neighborhood.”

Commercial properties has a higher monthly rate at $6.90. Martin said after April 1st no more water adjustments will be considered by the city.

In other business, the hiring of an hourly contractor to map utility lines at the Highway 70 and State Route 56 intersection was approved. City Engineer Tom Bennet said he recommended the action after T-DOT’s request for the layout to continue its widening project. Bennett said the city has 30 days to respond.
