Sunday, March 16, 2025
Happening Now

Baxter Approves Preliminary Subdivision Plan on Main Street

The Baxter Planning Commission approved the preliminary site plan for a subdivision on Main Street.

There are 119 lots proposed in this phase. The planning commission showed the plan to the Baxter Fire Department and they did not see any issues with the road width.

The project representative asked about developing this subdivision in multiple phases. However, Commission member Tommy Lee said that if it done in phases, all the infrastructure must be in for the phase or have a letter of credit submitted to guarantee completion of infrastructure.

Although, Building and Codes Director Bob Lane said developing in phases can be done, but can lead to issues.

“We can, except when you put a house out there and it’s in phase three and phase three isn’t completed,” Lane said. “We don’t want them sitting out there 18 months with a gravel road.”

The subdivision will have a six inch water line and an eight inch sewer line. There is 40 feet of right of way, and a 20 foot road.
