Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Happening Now

Auxiliary Unit Hosting Flag Retirement On 9/11

American Legion Post 4 and Auxiliary Unit 4 will host a flag retirement at the courthouse square in Livingston on 9/11.

Auxiliary Unit President Romanna Schnitcke said they host the flag retirement ceremony twice a year once on Flag Day and 9/11. Schnitcke said 9/11 is a great day for patriots to come together.

“The significance of 9/11 is a way of service to the community and the remembrance of 9/11,” Schnitcke said. “A day of service and we are retiring flags that are in desperate need of being retired properly.”

Schnitcke said people can come and retire a flag in honor of someone they know who was in 9/11 or is a veteran. Schnitcke said the ceremony will hopefully bring people together whether or not they have a personal connection to the tragedy.

“Through the efforts of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxillary and the Veterans of Foreign Wars as well,” Schnitcke said. “That is one of the things we are there for is to promote patriotism and Americanism in the community, especially in the schools too.”

Schnitcke said people should come out and attend even if they do not have a flag to retire.

“A lot of people don’t understand how a flag is properly retired and this is a good way for people to see it,” Schnitcke said. “A lot of people have never seen one until they attend one of these.”

The Flag Retirement will begin Wednesday, September 11th at 6:00 PM.
