Monday, September 16, 2024
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ATC Automation Hosting Open House For High School Seniors

Cookeville’s ATC Automation will host an open house for high school seniors looking to start a career Thursday, November 9th.

The open house will be geared towards seniors looking to learn about machine building and machinist trades, in particular. ATC Automation Human Resources Associate Danielle Thompson said the day is a great tool for students to both network and explore all avenues available to them.

“We haven’t really done anything like this before in a sense of the trades,” Thompson said. “Now we have had open houses for Tech students and those that are going into engineering in college. And it’s a great opportunity to meet and greet and get to know students and see them face to face and just interact with them.”

High school seniors will be given a tour of ATC. Machine builders and machinists will share what it is like working for the company. Thompson said the open house could provide information for students interested in a first trade.

“We hope that it will definitely help the local job opportunities for local high school seniors to maybe stay in the area and not have to go somewhere else to find something their interested in,” Thompson said.

Thompson said the career path is what applicants make of it, and can be particularly attractive to those good with their hands.

“If you’re kind of mechanically inclined, you like tinkering with different things, maybe you work on your car,” Thompson said. “Just different things, take apart things, put things back together, that’s kind of what we say with our machine builders.”

Thompson said the open house is showcasing for those who are specifically interested in the positions of machinist and machine builder. You can RSVP for the event by contacting ATC.

The event begins Thursday, November 9th at 6pm.
