Thursday, March 27, 2025
Happening Now

Annual Sparta Sonic Cruise-In Returns

The annual Sonic Cruise-In and Sock Hop is returning to Liberty Square in Sparta’s downtown.

Visitors to the event can expect a celebration filled with cars, costumes, live music and good food. Good Time Cruisers Car Club President Junior Jones said the event has gone on for at least two decades, and that he thinks it’s the good wholesome fun that brings people back.

“The old cars surround the square and the square is cornered off so the public can come out and set out in the street here in front of a live band called Four on the Floor,” Jones said. “We set up a big stage out here under the lights of the beautiful Oldham Theater lobby here and we just have a great time.”

The Four on the Floor band will perform a 50s set, a 60s set, and a 70s set. Jones said some visitors dress with the 50s theme and can even win prizes.

“The band is kind of the judges on the people that anybody that wants to dress up in 50s garb,” Jones said. “They actually do a lot of 50s dancing out here in front of the band and right there on the street area to dance in, and there are a lot of folks who do come dressed in the 50s style and dance up there it’s a lot of fun.”

Jones said people love the cruise-in aspect, and you can see vehicles from all decades and all makes and models.

“We see everything from A-Model Fords from the 30s all the way through your muscle car years, Camaros, Mustangs, all your Mopar models and then there are some late model cars: newer Mustangs, new Camaros, they’re all there,” Jones said. “All makes, models, even some motorcycles.”

The cruise-in is on Saturday, May 22nd at 5 p.m. Admission is free.
